Together, we can make a difference!

Working together to ensure returning individuals can come home and stay home



  • Educate participants on collateral consequences of having a criminal conviction

  • Sensitize community to the realities faced by individuals and families in difficult situations

    • Understand real issues and barriers to self-sufficiency

    • Recognize how these factors shape behavior and beliefs

  • Reduce Stigma, Bias and Cultural Stereotypes

  • Motivate participants to become involved in their community

Our new Reentry Services Guide is now available, click on the image below to open and download the guide.

Our Vision

Our vision is for all formerly incarcerated individuals to successfully reintegrate into the community and remain free!

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Our Mission

is to develop strong collaborative community and professional partnerships that will empower and support formerly incarcerated individuals, and their families, to reduce recidivism and encourage them to become contributing members of the community.  We advocate for change that supports successful reentry for all returning individuals.  

Our Values: Individuals, Hope, Collaboration, and Dedication- support our Vision and Mission.