What is a Reentry Simulation?
An experiential learning opportunity designed to help participants understand the day-to-day struggles in the life of a Returning Citizen and their families.
It is a simulation, not a “game”, although we use "play" money, props, fictional scenarios, and time limits.
How does a simulation work?
Participants assume a provided role, then work to complete tasks at simulated agencies around the room. During this hour long experience they will endure “real life” struggles designed to help them better understand the barriers associated with reentry.
Everyone is given the opportunity to participate in debrief & group discussion following the hour long simulation.
What is the purpose of a Reentry simulation?
Educate on collateral consequences of criminal records
Sensitize to the realities of difficult situations
Understand real issues and barriers to self-sufficiency
Recognize how factors shape behavior and beliefs
Reduce stigma, bias and cultural stereotypes
Motivate participants to become involved
What are the key points when considering hosting a reentry simulation?
The entire simulation lasts 2.5 hours with additional 2 hours needed for simulation set up.
All planning, marketing & training materials must be reviewed beforehand.
The host agency must coordinate registration and recruitment of participants and volunteers and must have 60-80 participants & 25+ volunteers confirmed at least 2 weeks prior to event.
The host agency will provide a large room for event. Room set-up per instructions must be completed prior to simulation set-up.
Reentry Simulation must be scheduled at least 2 months in advance.
A host agency lead contact is required.
A donation of $1,500 (plus mileage if outside Franklin County) is suggested – this is a labor-intensive training. It requires more than 50 hours of staff time per simulation, plus travel time and cost of material printing, as well as replacement costs for missing or destroyed prop items. Your donation helps to cover those costs.
Reentry Simulations in the News
The Record Herald “Reentry Simulation Sheds Light On Plight” by Andrea Rose
The Public Opinion “Here’s What It’s Like To Reenter Society After Jail” by Ashley Books