“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. ”
The Franklin Together Reentry Coalition meets every other month. The large coalition meetings are an opportunity to receive and share information, network and connect with others who share in the Franklin Together mission. The Coalition’s mission is to develop strong collaborative community and professional partnerships that will empower and support formerly incarcerated individuals, and their families, to reduce recidivism and encourage them to become contributing members of the community.
We encourage you to sign up and join our coalition email group. Once added, you will receive email updates about upcoming meetings, special events, relevant partner events, as well as noteworthy news (an average of 3-5 emails per month). Because we are a partnership, one of our main goals is to share resources to help improve overall outcomes of the re-entrants and their family members that we serve in our community.
Take advantage of a great networking opportunity. Remember to bring business cards, program information, event flyers and any announcements along with you to the Franklin Together meetings to share with others.