We are now accepting your nominations for the 2024 Franklin Together Awards!

2023 winners from left to right, presented by Commissioner Horst:

Business: Chris Drawbaugh, Drawbaugh Development

Chris had a property that he remodeled specifically to meet the needs of the county's reentry programs. He rents boarding home rooms to our participants based on our recommendations so he takes people that other landlords may not want to consider. He has been extremely helpful and easy to work with. To date, he has provided housing for over 15 men during 2023.

Community Member: Emily Hutton

Emily is someone who is routinely sought out by her peers to help facilitate change for all individuals. Her work as a Social Worker with WellSpan's Arches to Wellness program has given her the opportunity to help connect reentrants to medical and social supports that are needed in order for them to have a successful transition. Emily maintains strong connections in Franklin County, and will go above and beyond to locate individuals in need of help. She has created a web of support for those who often fall through the cracks.

Community Organization: WellSpan Behavioral Health Unit

The WellSpan BHU front-line staff have all been accommodating and resourceful whenever dealing with both of the program's clientele. The front-line social workers have been very transparent with information and possess the skill set to place a client into various levels of care if needed. I have never been turned down by the BHU whenever needing to visit with a client professionally, the staff is versed in mental health procedures, and the transition from inpatient to community is medically set up for success. I feel like communication was a breeze in dealing with the staff as they are knowledgeable when dealing with clientele. The BHU has gone out of its way to assist both programs; even when situations proved to be unmanageable and at times very stressful.

Justice Involved Individual: David Northrup

 David has been a Moving Forward facilitator since its inception. Not only does David do a great job facilitating, but he also inspires other returning individuals to achieve their goals while reaching goals of his own. He continues a path with 5 years of recovery from addiction- spending much of his time involved with the local recovery houses in the area and the recovery community!  As a Moving forward facilitator, through the Franklin Together Reentry Coalition, he believes that support is what everyone needs no matter the individual.  

Nominations for 2024 are closed

Coalition Involvement Agreement - you must have a completed C.I.A. in order to nominate.

Awards Policy and Procedure

Do you know someone who supports the work of Franklin Together? We are looking for award winners in these four categories:

  • Local Business

  • Local Agency

  • Community Member

  • Justice Involved Individual

They should meet any or all of the following criteria:

  • Consistently support Franklin Together

  • Set an example for others to emulate

  • Donate to support the mission and vision of Franklin Together

  • Promote Franklin Together’s value for providing second chances

  • The nominating person must have a signed Coalition Involvement Agreement on file